Tag Archives: bellies full of plastic

Dear Generation Z

Me and my son!

So, this poem was born from a conversation I had with my son and his friends about their seemingly lack of interest in voting during the last United States Presidential election (2016). They all expressed to me that their vote wouldn’t make a difference. Hearing this from a talented, intelligent, kind and big-hearted group of individuals, especially my own son, simply just broke my heart. It still breaks my heart that they lack a knowledge of their own power to help this world be a better place, especially when our home is in dire need of help. Will social, economic and international issues matter if our planet is dead?

I have faith in this young generation and believe they have within themselves the ability to correct our path from one of destruction and hate to one of healing and love. This is for them.

Dear Generation Z,

My heart is cracking, from your lack of caring, my soul is decaying, from your lack of standing, up for me, your only Mother, from fighting for the Father, and the almighty dollar.

Bellies full of plastic, my heart is only so elastic, watching all my species fade, it will be such a sad day, when I can no longer, provide you a place to play.

My big-hearted children, with strong minds and over 60 million, at election time, I need your presence, there is so much to do, so show up with a big represent, especially if you want children too!

Your Mother